Dowdy Wins Biggest Pot of the Tournament

James Dowdy and Eddie Pyatetsky just tangled in a huge pot that saw a pot of over five million pushed to Dowdy. After Dowdy raises preflop and Pyatetsky called, the flop came down [7d][6d][9d].  Dowdy fired out 500,000, and Pyatetsky called to see the [5h] come on the...
Karlo Gharabegian Eliminated in 9th Place ($4,300)

Karlo Gharabegian Eliminated in 9th Place ($4,300)

After a bluff of his was picked off, Karlo Gharabegian was left with just 600,000. He shoved that in preflop, and after a tank from the big blind, Greg Newhouse made the call. “You have a pair?” asked Gharabegian. He was relieved to hear Newhouse say no,...
Khoa Ha Eliminated in 10th Place ($3,500)

Khoa Ha Eliminated in 10th Place ($3,500)

Khoa Ha shoved all in preflop holding [Ah][Ks], and a few seats over, Carl Kremer shoved over the top with [Qh][Qd]. The ladies help up on a ten high flop, but the [Ks] on the turn gave Ha the lead. However, it lasted about 2.5 seconds, as the dealer put the [Qs] on...

Unofficial Final Table Seats, Names, and Counts

  Seat 1: Khoa Ha – 920,000 Seat 2: Duy Pham – 460,000 (short stack) Seat 3: Jarod Einshon – 1.8 million Seat 4: Karlo Gharabegian – 1.4 million Seat 5: Carl Kremer – 1.55 million Seat 6: Shane Igoe – 830,000 Seat 7: James...

Wild Hand Gets Us to our Final Table

We are now down to our final ten, and it took quite the runout to get us there. Joey Deluca was down to less than five big blinds when he moved all in holding [7s][6s]. He was called by his friend Jarod Einsohn, who had Deluca in about as rough a shape as he could be,...
The Final Table Looms

The Final Table Looms

We are down to just 12 players here tonight, which means we are just two eliminations from reaching our final table of 10 players! The following three players each took home $3,000 as consolation for just missing the final table. 13. Shawn Walker 14. Ali Atapour 15....