First Break of the Day in the Second Flight

Two hours up, two hours down in the second flight of the day, and players are taking their first break of the day. So far, 74 players have entered the flight, with registration still open for the next two hours. Remember that this is the last time that the final 10%...

A Few Updated Counts From the 12:30 Flight

We are down to just 50 players left in the opening flight of the day, and 18 of them will be moving on to the finals on Monday. The blinds are at 600-1,200 with an average stack of 50,300. Eugene Tito is one of our big stacks with 70,000, and a few other notables are...

So Who’s Here for the Second Flight of the Day

The second flight of the day is in full swing, and we have a few former big winners in the field tonight. Erich Karle final tabled two major events at the Grand Slam of Poker last year, winning one of them. He also finished on top of a chop in one of the major events...

By the Numbers: Opening Flight of the $250,000 Guaranteed Event

The first of eight flights in this $250,000 Guaranteed event drew a total of 178 players. That means that the final 18 players tonight will lock up a min-cash, and also move on to the Day 2 finals on Monday. We have another session that just kicked off half an hour...

Cards in the Air: Flight 1B of Event #5

Registration for the first flight of the $250,000 Guaranteed event has just closed, but the action isn’t slowing down, as the second flight of the day has just kicked off! The buy-in today is $250, and the top 10% will be cashing and advancing to the Day 2...

Next Round of Player Photos Here Today

The second round of player pics can be found below. On this list is one of the biggest names in poker today: Dan Heimiller. We also spotted Ron West, who made two major final tables at last year’s Grand Slam of Poker, as well as a first place finish for over...