What’s on Tap: Wednesday, October 21st

We have two more tournaments kicking off tomorrow here at the Hustler Casino. First up, a $200 buy-in $15,000 Guaranteed event starting at 3 PM. Players start with 15,000 in chips, and registration is open until just before 7 PM. Speaking of 7 PM, that’s when...

Four Tables Filled So Far

Today’s rebuy event has 36 players so far, though it is difficult to gauge the prize pool is at without knowing how many rebuys have been brought just yet. Sitting at the same table are Harold Roth, who is one of the daily tournament regulars here at the Hustler...

Cards in the Air: $10,000 Guaranteed Rebuy Event

It’s time for another day of action here at the 2015 Liz Flynt Fall Poker Classic! Today we have our one and only rebuy event of the series. The buy-in is just $100, with optional $50 rebuys for the first seven levels of play. Registration for this event will...

Final Results For Last Night’s Day 2 Finals

Below you will see a full breakdown of the payouts from last night’s $250,000 Guaranteed Finals. The final eight players made a chip chop, with Amir Ghazvinian earning the most money with $26,400. It was a fairly even deal all the way around, as the top five...
The Final Eight Have Made a Deal: Amir Ghazvinian Is the Winner!

The Final Eight Have Made a Deal: Amir Ghazvinian Is the Winner!

The final eight players took a look at the numbers on break, and after a few negotiations, a deal was struck! Amir Ghazvinian, who had the chip lead, will take home the trophy and a first place prize of $26,400. Start of final table chip leader Ross Tesser...
Sep Ebrahimi Eliminated in 9th Place ($4,700)

Sep Ebrahimi Eliminated in 9th Place ($4,700)

Action folds around to Sep Ebrahimi, who moves all in on the button for his last five big blinds. When the big blind gets the offical count, he calls. Ebrahimi: [Jh][8c] Big Blind: [Ad][3d] The board comes down [7c][5c][7h][Qd][Ac], and Ebrahimi is never able to catch...