Updated Chip Counts For Final Three

Once again, a chip chop couldn’t be reached, so we play on. Here’s how the final three look right now. David Hassett – 19.175 million Tommy San – 12.575 million Erick Lee – 10.675 million
Ramzi Srour Eliminated in 4th Place ($40,000)

Ramzi Srour Eliminated in 4th Place ($40,000)

Erick Lee moved all in from the small blind, having Ramzi Srour covered. Srour peaked down at his cards, then dropped in the call. Lee: [Ad][9s] Srour: [Kh][Jc] The board ran down [7s][10d][2d][5h][2h], and Lee scored the knockeout. The final three will play through...
Victor Kruglov Eliminated in 5th Place ($32,350)

Victor Kruglov Eliminated in 5th Place ($32,350)

Victor Kruglov, Tommy San, and David Hassett see a flop of [Jc][3h][5d] three ways. It checks to Kruglov, who open shoves for 3.2 million. Hassett immediately asks for a count, and after a couple of minutes in the tank, he slides in the call. Kruglov: [Ad][Qh]...
Andrew Nguyen Eliminated in 6th Place ($25,100)

Andrew Nguyen Eliminated in 6th Place ($25,100)

Tommy San raised it up to 500,000 from under the gun, and Andrew Nguyen shoved for just 750,000 more. San called, and was happy to see he was in a race. San: [Qc][Jc] Nguyen: [10h][10s] Nguyen asked for low cards, but unfortunately for him, the flop brought three...

Updated Chip Counts From the Final Six

Blinds: 125,000-250,000 Average Stack: 7.2 million David Hassett – 13.7 million Tommy San – 10 million Erick Lee – 8.5 million Victor Kruglov – 4 million Ramzi Srour – 3.7 million Andrew Nguyen – 1...
Joe Lerman Eliminated in 7th Place ($18,300)

Joe Lerman Eliminated in 7th Place ($18,300)

On the very next hand, Tommy San made it 500,000 to go again. It was dejavu all over again, as Lerman shoved behind him for about two million total. When it came back to San, he said “I have the same hand. Would you believe it?” Shortly after, he called,...