Tommy San Takes the Chip Lead With a Bluff

Tommy San just took down the first major pot of the day, and here’s how it happened. They saw a flop of [5s][3h][2c], and San checked to Hassett, who fired two million. San clicked it back with a check raise to four million, and Hassett quickly called. The [2s]...

The Heads Up Battle In Event #10 Resumes!

At 4 AM last night, David Hassett and Tommy San stopped their heads up battle, with the two players virtually event in chips. Hassett holds the slightest of edges, with 21,575,000 to the 20,850,000 of Tommy San. The two will return to a big blind of 400,000, and we...

Final Results From the $25,000 Guaranteed Event

There might have been the big restart of the $500,000 Guaranteed Event on Tuesday, but that wasn’t the only poker played that day. 183 players came out to play the $25,000 Guaranteed event, and in the end, Hrair Danielyan emerged victorious, taking home a hefty...

Play is Done for the Night

Tommy San and David Hassett will return tomorrow to battle it out for the title and the first place prize of $110,000. The two are virtually even, with Hasset holding 21,575,000 to the 20,850,000 of San. The two will come back tomorrow at 3 PM to decide a...
Erick Lee Eliminated in 3rd Place ($57,500)

Erick Lee Eliminated in 3rd Place ($57,500)

Erick Lee and David Hassett get it all in preflop in a battle of the blinds. Lee’s [Ad][9h] is well behind the [Ah][Kh] of Hassett, and the board never changes that, coming down [3s][As][8h][4d][6s].  With that, we are now heads up, with Hassett holding a 25.5...

Updated Chip Counts From the Final Three

All three players agreed to play another level, so we are now playing 200,000-400,000. David Hassett barely holds the chip lead after Tommy San just took a big pot off of him. Check below for chip counts from the final three. David Hassett – 18 million Tommy San...