We are down to our final ten players, and they are all at the same table now, the unofficial final table. We had a few players who wanted to remain anoymous, but you can still view six of our players below. We will be here to provide final table eliminations as they come, so don’t go anywhere!

Blinds: 30,000-60,000


Seat 1: Ross Tesser – 3.85 million

Seat 2: N/A – 1.76 million

Seat 3: N/A – 1.28 million


Seat 4: Sep Ebrahimi – 2 million

Seat 5: N/A – 2.56 million

Seat 6: N/A – 1.55 million


Seat 7: Yong Kim – 1.35 million


Seat 8: Hyeon Jun Kim – 980,000


Seat 9: Jerry Varon – 800,000 (short stack)


Seat 10: Amir Ghazvinian – 3 million